Fall 2024 Choral Auditions
Auditions for the Harmonia Chorus will be held on Tuesday, August 13 and Tuesday, August 27 (as well as at other times by appointment). We have limited openings in all sections. Choral auditions consist of a prepared selection of the candidate’s choosing (art song, aria, hymn, choral selection, etc.), vocal warmups and sight-reading. To schedule an audition, please write to info@harmoniaseattle.org and tell us your voice type and a little about your choral singing background.
Fall 2024 Orchestral Auditions
The Harmonia Orchestra currently has openings in all string sections, but we also welcome auditions for our sub lists on all other instruments. Auditions for will be held on Tuesday, August 27 (as well as other times by appointment). Please e-mail info@harmoniaseattle.org to arrange an audition. Instrumental auditions consist of a prepared selection of the candidate’s choosing, an orchestral excerpt (provided in advance) and sight-reading.
General Audition Information
Welcome, and thank you for your interest in auditioning for the Harmonia Orchestra or Chorus. We aim to be Seattle’s leading community-based classical music ensemble. Our musicians come from all walks of life and from a variety of backgrounds. Our players and singers work in education, technology, business, law, medicine, the arts and the non-profit sector. Some are students, many are part-time or full-time musicians or music teachers. We all share a commitment to making music together as part of a dedicated artistic community.
Harmonia provides a special environment for making music:
- At our core, we consider ourselves a choral-orchestral performing ensemble. Most regular-season concerts include a major choral-orchestral work, allowing our musicians the opportunity to perform repertoire not easily accessible to other community groups in the region.
- Our orchestra and chorus also perform separately in symphonic and a cappella repertoire each season, providing our musicians a well-rounded musical experience.
- Each season we produce a subscription series of six-to-eight concerts, plus a three-concert chamber music series. As a result, our rehearsal cycles are shorter than those of most other community music groups, generally consisting of five rehearsals plus one dress rehearsal leading up to each concert. Performing more frequently (and with fewer rehearsals) helps us stay engaged and allows us to experience a broad range of styles and composers within a single season.
- While our performing members are volunteers, we work with professional conductors and soloists.
Our expectations for musicianship and participation are high but reasonable, and we are committed to welcoming and nurturing less experienced musicians when circumstances permit. We expect our musicians to come to rehearsals prepared, and to help create a positive, constructive atmosphere in rehearsals. We expect our members to commit to performing at most concerts each season and to be present at all rehearsals (but are flexible with occasional absences).
We invite anyone who might be interested in performing with us to send us an introductory e-mail message. We would be delighted to host you at a rehearsal and offer a complimentary pair of tickets to one of our concerts so that you can see what how we work together and decide if you would like to schedule an audition.
Harmonia Chorus
The Harmonia Chorus offers choral singers the unique opportunity to perform several concerts a season in combination with a full orchestra. We perform oratorio repertoire from the Baroque to the present day, as well as a cappella and chamber works, sometimes in collaboration with other musical organizations throughout the Seattle region.

If you are interested in joining the Harmonia Chorus, please send an e-mail to info@harmoniaseattle.org and we will provide further information about scheduling an audition with our music director. Interested singers are always welcome to observe a rehearsal or a performance (for which we will provide a complimentary pair of tickets.)
Harmonia Chorus rehearsals currently take place Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m at University Heights Center in Seattle’s University District.
Harmonia Orchestra
The Harmonia Orchestra offers orchestral musicians the unique opportunity to perform several concerts a season in combination with a full chorus. We perform oratorio repertoire alongside orchestra-only symphonic works, sometimes in collaboration with other musical organizations throughout the Seattle region.

Our orchestra currently has openings in the violin, viola and string bass sections, and welcomes inquiries from people interested in being on our substitute list, especially trumpet and percussion. Our permanent members sometimes need to miss rehearsals or entire concert cycles, and our repertoire often requires additional players, so substitutes are very valuable to us and are sometimes able to join us permanently when openings arise.
If you are interested in joining the Harmonia Orchestra, please send an e-mail to info@harmoniaseattle.org and we will provide further information about scheduling an audition with our music director. Interested instrumentalists are always welcome to observe a rehearsal or a performance (for which we will provide a complimentary pair of tickets.)
Harmonia Orchestra rehearsals currently take place Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. at Shorecrest High School in Shoreline.
Harmonia does not discriminate based on race/ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, citizenship status or religion.